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Our work

Our programs promote initiatives to build policies based on social justice, aiming to improve the drug control system, and shifting towards decriminalization and disarmament.

Ágora is a civil society organization advancing sustainable development, fostering social responsibility, and improving decision-making processes worldwide.

Since our establishment in 2015, we have collaborated with institutions, businesses, public entities, and social movements to create a positive impact and promote a more peaceful, inclusive, and sustainable world.

At the heart of our mission is the belief that sustainable development is essential for the well-being of present and future generations. Through our initiatives, we aim to address urgent global challenges, such as climate change, inequality, and social injustice, by empowering individuals and organizations to adopt evidence-based policies and practices that contribute to sustainable development and social progress.



Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of Weapons

We advocate for disarmament and non-proliferation policies as crucial elements of sustainable peace and security. By supporting initiatives that reduce the availability and use of weapons, especially in conflict-affected regions, we work to create a less violent world.


United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

Our participation in the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) has been fundamental in promoting more effective and humane policies in crime prevention and criminal justice. Since 2016, we have been committed to this process, connecting issues such as the recruitment of children by armed groups with drug policies and peacebuilding. During our interventions at CCPCJ sessions, we consistently advocate for evidence-based and human rights-oriented approaches, aiming to influence key decisions to improve policies and practices in these critical areas.

United Nations Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

We participate in NPT and TPNW sessions, addressing various aspects related to peace, security, and sustainable development. In 2023, our dynamic participation included collaborating with the Mexican Network for Education, Training, and Nuclear Research (REMECIN), the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs, and other stakeholders in drafting joint working documents and presenting our proposals at official events and sessions.


The United Nations Office for Disarmament gathered a group of 25 young leaders to research and advocate on youth, peace, and security agendas. We participated in the Leaders4Tomorrow program, contributing to forums on youth, disarmament, and non-proliferation, and drafting public policy recommendations and working documents.

Transparency and Institutional Sustainability

We are committed to strengthening institutions and promoting efforts to enhance transparency and social responsibility. By supporting initiatives that improve decision-making mechanisms, we work to ensure that institutions are better equipped to address global challenges, promoting peace and sustainable development.

Institutional Strengthening Program

We develop organizations, unions, social movements, and sustainable enterprises. Our services are designed to strengthen all types of institutions, enabling them to operate more efficiently, access new funding opportunities, and improve performance in sustainability and social responsibility. Join us and discover how we can transform your institution into a global benchmark.

Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office

In a global context marked by tensions and conflicts, finding peaceful ways to resolve disputes between the state and conflicting groups is imperative. The Mediation and Reconciliation Office emerges as a specialized entity facilitating constructive dialogue between involved parties, aiming to reach agreements that promote peace and stability.

Drug Policies

Ágora advocates for drug policy reform, prioritizing harm reduction, public health, and human rights. By supporting initiatives that promote alternative approaches to drug control, such as decriminalization, drug regulation, and access to essential treatment and medications, we work to address the root causes of drug-related harm and promote more effective and humane drug policies.


Synapses is a consultancy focused on drugs. Our social justice-based approach aims to ensure equity in the psychoactive industry by promoting the participation of communities marginalized by the war on drugs.

Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Since our active participation in the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem (UNGASS) in 2016, we have been involved in United Nations events on drugs, particularly in the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). Our presence in CND sessions has been consistent, participating both virtually and in person to provide input, submit written statements, organize side events, and spark key debates.


Every year, on June 26, we carry out activities as part of the Global Day of Action campaign #SupportDon'tPunish.

Women in Peace Negotiations and Conflict Resolution

Gender equality and women's empowerment are fundamental to our mission. We promote the participation of women in peace processes, decision-making, and conflict resolution. By supporting initiatives that foster women's leadership and empowerment, we ensure that women have a voice in shaping the future of their communities and countries.


This project aims to empower underrepresented communities by providing them the opportunity to participate in international conferences and shape global policies. Our fund operates on the principle that all people deserve a voice in global debates, striving to create an inclusive and equitable platform for key populations to share their views and experiences.

Empowering Youth to Build Peace

Ágora is committed to promoting the youth, peace, and security agenda. By empowering youth to become agents of change in their communities, we work to ensure their active participation in decision-making processes that affect them. Through various programs and initiatives, we provide young people with the tools and resources they need to advocate for their rights and participate in peacebuilding efforts.

Youth Council

The Youth Council is an innovative citizen participation mechanism in the municipalities of Mexico City that allows young people to meet in community centers to debate and collaborate in the formulation and evaluation of government actions and public policies in their municipality.

Youth Electoral Platform

During the most recent electoral process in Mexico, we designed a platform where, by entering the district number, it was possible to consult information about candidates under 35 years old running for local or federal deputy positions or governorships.


The network is a collective effort to disseminate activities emerging from the youth with proposals to prevent violence and build peace in Mexico. Subscribe to the newsletter! You will receive calls for participation, event invitations, and meet more young people interested in the same topics as you.

Join us!

Through an integrated approach, we make significant contributions to promoting sustainable development, improving decision-making processes, and fostering social responsibility. Our work has led to tangible improvements in communities around the world, contributing to a more peaceful, inclusive, and sustainable future for all.

We welcome collaborations with organizations, businesses, public entities, and social movements that share our vision and values. Let's build a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable world.


For more information about our initiatives, contact us at Join us in our mission to create positive change and build a better future for all.

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